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Computed tomographic imaging spectrometry

Posted on:2012-02-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Vandervlugt, Corrie JFull Text:PDF
A Computed Tomographic Imaging Spectrometer (CTIS) is an imaging spectrometer which can acquire a hyper-spectral data set in a single snapshot (one focal plane array integration time) with no moving parts. A specially designed dispersing element, which separates light from the three-dimensional object cube into a grid of twodimensional prismatic diffraction orders, is the key element in the instrument. The capabilities of the CTIS instrument can be improved by employing a more optimized grating design.;There were two main goals to this research: (1) to design a novel CTIS disperser that will improve CTIS capabilities over the previous 5x5 disperser and (2) to integrate the new disperser into the CTIS and evaluate its performance compared to the 5x5 disperser. Six new disperser ideas were evaluated based on their performance in a number of computer simulations to determine the most optimal dispersion pattern. A new CTIS disperser incorporating a novel radial design pattern was developed and tested. Reconstruction results of various spatial and spectral targets are presented. Capabilities of the new CTIS instrument incorporating the radial grating are compared to the previous instrument employing a 5x5 disperser. While both dispersers perform similarly for point-source objects, the radial grating performs better than the previous disperser for extended sources.
Keywords/Search Tags:CTIS, Imaging, Disperser
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