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Old World medicinal plants of the marketplaces of Quito, Ecuador

Posted on:2000-12-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Southern Illinois University at CarbondaleCandidate:McKernan, M. MadlanFull Text:PDF
An ethnobotanical survey was made of medicinal plants for sale in four marketplaces in Quito, Ecuador. The greater majority of plants collected were introduced from Europe, probably by the Spaniards, with the remaining 15 species endemic to the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Andes.;One hundred and twenty-one plant specimens were collected during a three month field trip to Ecuador from four large permanent markets of Quito. The specimens were dried and identified at the Universidad Central in Quito.;Interviews were conducted with the vendors of the of the plants at the time of purchase. A total of seven informants were seen.;The results of this study indicates that medicinal plants are still being used by many of the people in Quito even though ethical drugs are widely available without a perception. It is also noted that the plants used in Quito have the same use as those documented elsewhere in the world.;Further research is needed confirm the efficacy of some of the native plants with emphasis on the identification of the active principles contained within. It is also suggested that a protocol be established for the collection, identification, and shipment of plants collected in the field. This protocol should be authored by scientists from the disciplines involved, such as taxonomists, ecologists, chemists, pharmaceutical researchers, and physicians. The political ramifications of collecting should be addressed and considered of importance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Plants, Quito
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