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Effects of stress inoculation training for first-year law students

Posted on:2001-11-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Arizona State UniversityCandidate:Sheehy, Richard EdwardFull Text:PDF
This study examined the effectiveness of a stress inoculation treatment (SIT) program for first year law students. A 2 x 3 (treatment sequence by repeated measures) crossover design was employed in which half the subjects received the experimental treatment in a pre-post/follow-up sequence, while the other half participated in a wait-list phase prior to being treated. All participants were tested prior to and at the end of the study; the assessment occasion at midpoint marked the changing of phases. Participants were blocked on gender, and randomly assigned to each treatment sequence; trained counselors implemented SIT in small groups.; SIT consisted of an educational component, relaxation exercises, cognitive restructuring, and time management/study skills; these coping strategies were designed to address specifically the law-school experience. The assessment battery included, measures of stress (general, personal, and emotional), anxiety, and irrational beliefs related to the law school experience. Results indicated causal reductions in stress. Supplementary analyses suggested maintenance of these gains plus additional (albeit uncontrolled) effects on anxiety and irrationality.; The findings represent an important first step in establishing the efficacy of an effective and easy to implement treatment for dealing with the high levels of stress experienced by first year law students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stress, Law, First, SIT
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