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Characterization of conidiation mutants in Glomerella graminicola

Posted on:1997-01-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Wang, JuanFull Text:PDF
The maize pathogen Glomerella graminicola (anamorph: Colletotrichum graminicola) is a hemibiotroph with a life cycle that includes the production of two distinct types of conidia. One type is falcate-shaped, and the other is oval-shaped. Production of falcate conidia is light-dependent for wild-type strains. One hour of light exposure (170 I have also examined a class of mutants that were generated by insertional mutagenesis. These mutants lack the ability to produce wildtype levels of oval conidia. Interestingly, these mutants have an array of general developmental defects including abnormal appresorium formation, and they display greatly reduced pathogenicity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mutants, Conidia
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