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Enzymatic scouring of cotton: A fundamental study of the effects of enzymes on structure and properties of cotton

Posted on:1999-11-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of GeorgiaCandidate:Li, YonghuaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1463390014470209Subject:Textile Technology
Treatments of cotton with pectinases and cellulases dramatically improved cotton water absorbency. Microscopic observations, staining tests, water absorbency tests, fiber weight loss analysis and nitrogen content analysis were conducted on raw cotton, chemically and biochemically treated cotton, and cotton fabrics to determine the nature of changes in the surface of cotton caused by the enzymatic treatments. The structure of cotton surface was modified by degradation of the pectins in the cotton cuticle and the amorphous cellulose on the primary wall under the cuticle. The cuticle was destroyed by the pectinase treatments through the digestion of pectins in the cuticle layer, and by the cellulase treatments through the digestion of the cellulose under the cuticle layer. Disruption of the hydrophobic cotton cuticle under mild enzymatic treatment conditions occurs simultaneously with great improvement of water absorbency of the cotton. More severe enzymatic treatments completely remove the cuticle from the cotton fiber surfaces.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cotton, Water absorbency, Enzymatic, Treatments, Cuticle
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