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Eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration techniques

Posted on:2003-11-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Gayaldo, Perry FlemingFull Text:PDF
Five environmental variables, including oxidation/reduction potentials (redox; Eh7), and three vegetative characteristics were measured at 14 northern Puget Sound sites to better describe the variability of factors influencing the existence of Zostera marina (eelgrass) populations. Redox in marine sediments were found to be negatively correlated with leaf size for potentials less than -150 mV.; Redox potentials were manipulated in both a closed, seawater system (in lab and greenhouse) and in situ for determination of growth impacts and transplantation success of eelgrass. Correlation was found between marine sediment redox potentials and new growth characteristics in lab, and between in situ marine sediment redox potentials and transplantation survival/success. Transplant success rates above 80% were found when in situ redox potentials were artificially raised by 250 mV for a period of no more than four days.; In addition, a case study involving a blend of low-cost restoration techniques was completed beneath and adjacent to a highly utilized commercial dock in order to restore the submarine environment to a condition that would promote the natural recolonization of Z. marina. Effective techniques included submarine debris removal, installation of reflective material beneath the dock, and minimal transplantation of donor Z. marina stock.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marina, Potentials, Redox, Eelgrass
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