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Analytical Marxism: A study of theory formation in an era of turbulence

Posted on:1996-06-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Monteiro, Anthony BarryFull Text:PDF
This is a case study of how a highly sophisticated, and in several ways an elegant, Marxist theory was constructed and how a theory group, composed of highly visible and prestigious academicians was formed. The dissertation consists of two parts: first a study of the philosophical, methodological and social theoretical dimensions of the Analytical Marxist theory; and second, a sociology of science/sociology of knowledge examination of the group, social and communicative relationships, dynamics and linkages that developed between Analytical Marxists themselves. I conclude that Analytical Marxists successfully constructed a late twentieth century Marxist theory which overcame the traditional marginality of Marxism in the Anglo-American academy, achieving, in the end, academic status and recognition. All of this took place in an era of turbulence and change in the social science academy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theory, Analytical
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