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Dynamic modelling, design and control of biorobotic machines

Posted on:1997-12-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Bubic, Frank RankoFull Text:PDF
An original way to define, analyze and design mechanical systems with inherently lifelike dynamic properties is presented. The construction of robotic manipulators which embody a complete set of technologically relevant biological principles is outlined. The ultimate objective is to develop a new class of mobile, autonomous, and interactive machines which dynamically emulate live musculoskeletal systems.; This study introduces the mathematical models and algorithms to transform and synthesize the results of research in musculoskeletal physiology into explicit engineering design specifications. The application of a new contractile muscle-like viscoelastic motor, as a servomechanical drive for articulated rigid link mechanisms as well as for a novel flexible trunk-like manipulator, is investigated. Key features of the neuromuscular force control by twitch summation are combined to formulate a pulse stream control method suitable for fluid powered mechanisms.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic
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