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Development of SAMS: A sensitivity analysis module for the SCALE code system using KENO V.a in the CSAS25 sequence

Posted on:2000-08-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M UniversityCandidate:Rearden, Bradley ThomasFull Text:PDF
GTID:1462390014463305Subject:Nuclear engineering
The SAMS module has been developed to calculate the relative change in the value of keff due to a change in a constituent component or cross section. The SAMS module works in conjunction with a modified version of the CSAS25 sequence of SCALE that employs an enhanced version of KENO V.a, which is capable of calculating the spherical harmonics components of the flux moments. The SAMS module performs sensitivity calculations using linear perturbation theory as implemented in the FORSS system and requires the calculation of the forward and adjoint flux moments with the enhanced version of KENO V.a.;SAMS automatically selects all of the sensitivity parameters that can be calculated for each nuclide in each region of the system based on available cross section data. Sensitivity parameters for a given nuclide may be generated for a number of parameters, including total, scatter, capture, and fission cross sections, as well as n&d1; and c .;The sensitivities for any nuclide-reaction pair calculated with SAMS can be output on three bases: group-wise region dependent, energy integrated region dependent, and energy and region integrated. This gives the user the ability to interpret the sensitivities with varying levels of detail. SAMS produces sensitivities in a number of convenient formats for further analysis. The SAMSPLOT program was specifically developed to visually display plots of energy dependent sensitivities including their associated Monte Carlo uncertainties.;The sensitivities generated with SAMS have been verified through comparisons with those generated with the SEN1 and SEN2 sensitivity sequences in SCALE as well as through comparisons to direct calculations. SAMS is capable of producing accurate sensitivities provided the KENO V.a regions have been appropriately subdivided to allow for sufficient resolution of the flux moments throughout the problem geometry.
Keywords/Search Tags:SAMS, KENO, SCALE, Sensitivity, Flux moments, System, Region
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