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Dynamic characterization of thin-film inflatable structures

Posted on:2001-06-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Duke UniversityCandidate:Slade, Kara NicoleFull Text:PDF
Inflatable structures constructed from thin polyimide films form a key part of several technology development programs for solar thermal propulsion for satellites, as well as for other applications both in space and on earth. This project investigates the mechanical properties of several of these structures, focusing primarily on their dynamic behavior. The primary focus is the Shooting Star Experiment prototype developed by NASA, but a simpler cylindrical structure is also considered in order to provide an analytically tractable situation for the evaluation of testing and modeling techniques.; The cylindrical strut is tested statically to determine its load-deflection characteristics both in linear and nonlinear regimes. The phenomenon of wrinkling is observed under large deflection conditions, particularly at lower pressure. Then, modal testing is used to determine the dynamic properties of the strut for comparison to numerical models. Modal testing is also conducted on Pathfinder 3, a prototype inflatable solar concentrator for the Shooting Star Experiment, both in vacuum and ambient atmospheric conditions. The orbital terminator crossing test is used to determine the dynamic susceptibility of the Pathfinder 3 structure to thermal shock, and it is found to undergo only quasistatic deformations.; Finite element models of the cylinder and the Pathfinder 3 concentrator are then constructed using MSC NASTRAN. The inflatable cylinder may be modeled as a beam if only global bending is considered. This restriction leads to the development of a frequency-dependent modulus of elasticity in bending for the structure, developed from engineering beam theory. Both frequency-dependent beam models and shell models are constructed and evaluated for their efficacy. The results from the modeling of the strut are then applied to the inflatable concentrator, where it is found that the shell model captures more of the dynamic subtleties of the system than the beam model, but that both types of model can provide global information on the bending behavior of the structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Structure, Inflatable, Dynamic, Beam
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