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A comparative analysis of mandated cost reimbursements in California school districts

Posted on:2004-07-16Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Southern CaliforniaCandidate:Vaughn, Kevin WFull Text:PDF
California school districts are eligible to file reimbursement claims with the State Controller's Office for certain mandated activities.;Data on school district reimbursement amounts were obtained from the State Controller's Office and research has revealed that mandated cost reimbursement amounts are negatively correlated with school district populations. Given this correlation, many school districts do not appear to maximize their reimbursements.;CBOs from sample districts were then surveyed regarding both their knowledge of the mandated costs reimbursements process, and recovery efforts in their district.;Possible explanations for districts having smaller reimbursements include the fact that considerable paperwork is required to keep track of the activities eligible for reimbursements; reimbursements are not returned to school sites, but kept at the district office, and some districts do not use a mandated cost consultant.
Keywords/Search Tags:Districts, Mandated, Reimbursements, Office, State controller
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