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Anodized aluminum pressure sensitive paint for unsteady aerodynamic applications

Posted on:2004-06-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Sakaue, HirotakaFull Text:PDF
A comprehensive study of anodized aluminum pressure sensitive paint (AA-PSP) is documented. The study consisted of the development of AA-PSP and its application to unsteady aerodynamic fields at atmospheric conditions. Luminophore application mechanism and two-component application on anodized aluminum was studied for the development. Two-component application includes hydrophobic-coated AA-PSP and bi-luminophore system. It was found that the polarity of solvents and the surface charge of anodized aluminum determine the optimized luminophore application. As a result, a wide variation of luminophore can be applied on anodized aluminum. To apply both components on anodized aluminum, optimum solvent polarities for each component should match. AA-PSP performances, such as pressure sensitivity, temperature dependency, signal level, and aging were improved by the luminophore application mechanism and two-component application.; AA-PSPs demonstrate the capability of measuring surface pressures on unsteady aerodynamic fields. For an application to the Purdue Mach 4 Quiet Flow Ludwieg Tube, surface pressures on the order of a hundred Pascals were measured for approximately 200ms. The measurement uncertainty of the pressure was on the order of 5%. The main uncertainty source comes from fitting the adsorption control model to calibration points. The results compared qualitatively well to CFD calculations. A miniature fluidic oscillator was used to demonstrate the capability of measuring oscillating unsteady aerodynamic fields with 6.4kHz primary frequency. Flow oscillation images as well as pressure maps of various phases were captured by AA-PSP with PtTFPP as a luminophore (AA-PSPPtTFPP ). Main uncertainty source comes from fitting the adsorption control model to calibration points and from the pulse width of illumination. The measurement uncertainty of the pressure was 4.68%. AA-PSPPtTFPP was applied to a high-amplified acoustic fielding in a standing wave tube. The maximum pressure change created was 171dB (1.04psi). Sinusoidal pressure wave images inside a standing wave tube were captured at various phases. From these images, the integrated pressure map was obtained. In this case, measurement uncertainty was 3.64% and was due mainly to the pulse width and from fitting of the adsorption controlled model. Comparison with theoretical model is necessary to validate the integrated map as a streaming pattern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Anodized aluminum, Pressure, Unsteady aerodynamic, Application, AA-PSP, Model
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