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Design and analysis of a coupled solid oxide fuel cell and metal hydride bed system

Posted on:2012-03-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Rhode IslandCandidate:Song, KeFull Text:PDF
Solid oxide fuel cells have exhibited excellent performance at high temperature for a few years. However, the fuel supply and the practical fuel cell application need to be improved especially for transportation or stand-alone facility usage.;Two modified hydrogen storage models (two vessel and three vessel hydrogen storage system) are presented in this study. The gravimetric density and volumetric density are calculated in order to meet the DOE requirements.;Furthermore, the time dependence model of hydrogen releasing in metal hydride bed (MHB) is built up. And the simulations are carried on in isothermal and adiabatic conditions. The simulation results indicate: the isothermal model can provide sufficient hydrogen flow until the MHB is emptied; the adiabatic model can only last short period because of the fast temperature decreasing in MHB.;The steady state and time dependence model of coupled solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and MHB system are also investigated. The steady state model focuses on the heat recycle process for coupled system. The calculation shows the heat generated in system can provide enough energy for inner recycle. On the other hand, the time de-pendence model mainly concerns the time delay in such a coupled system. The simu-lation shows the time delay mainly comes from hydrogen feed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oxide fuel, System, Coupled, Hydrogen, Time, MHB
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