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Biodegradation and volatilization of crude oil in soil

Posted on:1997-03-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas A&M UniversityCandidate:Rhykerd, Robert LFull Text:PDF
Bioremediation is widely used to treat petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soils. Research showing limitations to bioremediation and ways to enhance bioremediation are needed. Soils contaminated with oil were examined in laboratory, greenhouse, and field studies to compare rates of bioremediation between soils, the influence of salinity on bioremediation, the influence of bulking agents and aeration on bioremediation, and the influence of bulking agents on volatilization of oil from soil. A feasibility study of thirteen soils found all soils were amenable to biodegradation. The amount of applied oil that degraded varied from 2% (Falba) to 51% (Branyon) after 92 days of incubation. Salinity (200 dS m...
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil, Bioremediation
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