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High temperature heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reactions: Evidence for dynamical effects

Posted on:1998-01-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:State University of New York at Stony BrookCandidate:Caraley, Anne LeslieFull Text:PDF
This research has focused on the study of evaporation residues produced in the ;The observed enhancement of the ;The temperatures achieved in the ;For the second experiment the Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer, a triple-focusing recoil mass spectrometer, was used to measure the evaporation residue excitation function from 282 to 634 MeV. (At the higher beam energies coincident LCP were also measured.) The evaporation residue cross section result near the barrier was found to be in agreement with previous measurements in that region. The cross section and multiplicity results from the other energies confirmed and extended the results of the first experiment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Evaporation
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