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Geochemical behaviour, fate and impacts of Cu, Cd and Zn from mine effluent discharges in Howe Sound

Posted on:1998-11-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of British Columbia (Canada)Candidate:Chretien, Andre Remy NicolasFull Text:PDF
he now abandoned mine at Britannia Beach is a source of acidity and heavy metals to Howe Sound. Using evidence from monthly field sample collections over an entire year, the dispersion patterns of Cu, Cd and Zn in the estuary were elucidated. Acid mine drainage discharged to Howe Sound via Britannia Creek was found to mix predominantly with the brackish surface waters, since a pronounced pycnocline inhibits vertical mixing. Deep discharges via a submarine outfall may become trapped at or below ten metres depth during summer, but have been observed to rise to the surface in winter as a result of weaker stratification.;Upon mixing with estuarine water, there was generally a transfer of Cu from the dissolved to the particulate phase. Similar removal was observed with Zn, albeit to a much lesser degree. Cd behaved essentially as a conservative element, which permitted its use as a tracer for the mixing of acid mine drainage with seawater. This greatly facilitated interpretation of the field data, since salinity proved to be an unreliable indicator of mixing in this three end-member system of Squamish River, Britannia Creek and seawater.;Laboratory mixing experiments demonstrated that the removal of Zn occurred via adsorption onto iron oxyhydroxides, with other processes such as adsorption by flocculated organic matter or by clays playing a less important role. Cu removal was additionally governed to a large extent by direct precipitation of solid phases, most likely Cu(OH);Metal concentrations in estuarine surface waters ranged between 0.8-230, 0.02-2.9 and 1.7-450 ;In a bioassay experiment, Cu concentrations over 6.4...
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