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In situ strength evolution in the sintering of bronze powder metal compacts and application to thermal cycle design

Posted on:1999-06-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Shoales, Gregory AlanFull Text:PDF
Powder metallurgy allows fabrication of complex net-shape components. Accurate design specification of these components requires precise prediction of their response to sintering process parameters. Nonuniform sintering responses, such as strain gradients, can result in process failures such as distortion and cracking. To avoid these types of process failures without costly trial and error design, the most important response to understand is the compact's strength as it evolves during the sintering process.;A unique device and method have been developed to measure the in situ strength as a function of sintering process parameters. The specific strength parameter investigated and modeled in this work was transverse rupture. This strength was precisely determined for 90Cu-10wt.%Cu prealloyed powder bronze compacts in response to sintering time, temperature and heating rate. At a sintering temperature of approximately 350...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sintering, Strength, Response
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