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A time-dependent model of radiative and conductive thermal energy transport in planetary regoliths with applications to the moon, Mercury, and Io

Posted on:2001-01-14Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Hale, Amy Shell SnyderFull Text:PDF
How a planetary regolith transfers and radiates thermal energy is dependent on its composition and physical makeup. In this study a fully time dependent model of thermal energy transport in planetary regoliths which explicitly includes radiative transfer, conduction, and heat storage, is presented and applied to the regoliths of the Moon, Mercury and Io.;In applying this study to the Moon, temperature versus depth curves for equatorial and polar latitudes have been determined using the derived values of the thermal inertia and radiative resistivity. It is shown that at high latitudes, the lunar subsurface may be sufficiently cold to harbor water ice over geologic time even in areas illuminated by sunlight, a result consistent with recent observation (i.e. Feldman et al., 1998). It is also shown that moderate near-surface positive temperature gradients are likely to exist.;For Mercury values of thermal inertia and the radiative resistivity are determined which are consistent with observations and lunar results appropriately scaled for Mercury's increased surface gravity. Temperature versus depth curves were also generated for equatorial and polar latitudes, as well as both longitudinal poles. Mercury's polar subsurface was also determined to be cold enough to harbor water ice over geologic time in sunlit regions. This result agrees with observation (Butler et al., 1993; Harmon et al., 1994).;For Io likely surface temperatures for the high albedo SO2 frost covered regions of the planet were determined in an effort to resolve the conflict in the literature between previous models, which predicted high surface temperatures (Simonelli and Veverka, 1988; Matson and Nash, 1983), and observation, which implied low surface temperatures (Sinton and Kaminski, 1988; Veeder et al., 1994). It is determined that when radiative transfer is properly taken into account, surface temperatures of Io's SO2 frost fields are most likely low, resolving the conflict.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thermal energy, Planetary, Surface temperatures, Radiative, Time, Regoliths, Mercury, Et al
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