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Torsion textures produced by deformation and by dynamic recrystallization in alpha-iron and two IF steels

Posted on:1997-06-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Baczynski, JerzyFull Text:PDF
The textures of two IF steels and a high purity ;Deformation textures were simulated using the rate sensitive theory of crystal plasticity. These called for lengthening to take place, in agreement with the measured length changes. The simulated and experimentally observed 'tilt' phenomena are similar to those commonly reported in the literature for fcc materials. The explanation of this phenomenon developed for the latter materials is extended to bcc metals. The development of torsion textures is discussed in terms of the rotation rate vector R, the divergence-convergence properties of orientation flow, and the stability parameter S.;DRX textures were simulated using a model based on sequential deformation, nucleation and growth steps. The types of oriented nucleation and selective growth required to reproduce the experimentally observed textures are discussed. The simulations indicate that the low energy nucleation mechanism plays a dominant role in the formation of bcc DRX textures. The results are also interpreted in terms of the continuous (in situ) and discontinuous mechanisms of dynamic recrystallization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Textures, Deformation
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