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Electrodeposition of high technology coatings

Posted on:1999-02-11Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Missouri - RollaCandidate:Fang, MingFull Text:PDF
The objectives of this research were to experimentally investigate spontaneous and electrolytic processes for copper or cadmium thin films on aluminum substrates for electronic and aerospace materials applications. The aluminum dissolution behavior in the organic media was also investigated as the anodic step of the cementation process.; The inability to deposit metal directly onto aluminum is a longstanding problem in industry because the naturally occurring oxide inhibits adherence. In this research, an adherent copper thin film was successfully plated on aluminum using the unique galvanic stripping technology. The copper deposited on aluminum can serves as a seed layer for the post electroplating or electroless plating of other metals without significant adherence loss. The results showed that the agitation, organic solution composition, aqueous phase addition, and reaction temperature have strong influences on the morphology and rate of aluminum dissolution as well as the morphology and adhesion of copper deposition. The copper cementation in organic media was also found to be sensitive the plating time and aluminum surface conditions.; Another part of present study was focused on the effect of electroplating parameters on the Fe-Ni alloy deposit structure and phase and its possible relationship to shape memory alloys. The phases present in electrodeposited Fe-Ni alloys were identified as {dollar}gamma{dollar}-austenite phase and/or {dollar}alphaspprime{dollar}-martensitic phase. It was also found that those phases not only depend on the alloy chemical composition, but is influenced by the electrodeposition conditions as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Copper, Phase
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