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Bioavailability and biomethylation of arsenic in contaminated soils and solid wastes

Posted on:1999-12-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Rodriguez, Robin RFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390014472587Subject:Environmental Sciences
Scope and method of study. The objective of the bioavailability study was to evaluate alternative methods to estimate the bioavailable fraction of arsenic in soils and solid wastes. A method was developed to simulate the human gastrointestinal environment to estimate arsenic absorbed through the soil ingestion pathway (in-vitro, IVG). Chemical speciation methods were also evaluated in their ability to estimate bioavailable arsenic in soils and solid wastes. The IVG and speciation methods were compared with in-vivo arsenic measured by soil feeding trials using the immature swine model. The objective of the bioremediation study was to evaluate the effectiveness of enhanced biomethylation as a method of lowering soil arsenic. Biomethylation experiments were performed under controlled conditions and biomethylated (volatilized) arsenic was measured over a 20 week incubation period.; Findings and conclusions. The IVG method was highly correlated (r2 = 0.69) with the in-vivo results (P < 0.01). The slope of the linear regression line was 0.88, suggesting that the IVG method measures nearly as much arsenic as the in-vivo method. All of the chemical speciation extractant results for arsenic were positively correlated, however the extractants which measure non-occluded surficial arsenic were found to underestimate in-vivo arsenic and the more aggressive extractants which dissolve the oxide fractions overestimated in-vivo arsenic. Biomethylation experiments showed that calcine, under aerobic conditions, demonstrated 5.31 μg of volatilized arsenic. Stabilizing the lead in the calcine resulted in an increase of >17-fold in the amount of arsenic volatilized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arsenic, Soilsandsolidwastes, Biomethylation, Method, IVG
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