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Statistical evaluation of a project to estimate fish trajectories through the intakes of Kaplan hydropower turbines

Posted on:1999-06-29Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Baylor UniversityCandidate:Sutton, Virginia KayFull Text:PDF
GTID:1461390014467858Subject:Applied mechanics
This paper examines statistical issues associated with estimating paths of juvenile salmon through the intakes of Kaplan turbines. Passive sensors, hydrophones, detecting signals from ultrasonic transmitters implanted in individual fish released into the preturbine region were used to obtain the information to estimate fish paths through the intake. Aim and location of the sensors affects the spatial region in which the transmitters can be detected, and formulas relating this region to sensor aiming directions are derived. Cramer-Rao lower bounds for the variance of estimators of fish location are used to optimize placement of each sensor. Finally, a statistical methodology is developed for analyzing angular data collected from optimally placed sensors.
Keywords/Search Tags:Statistical, Fish, Sensors
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