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Mapping the infrared and hydrogen-alpha emission in mixed morphology binary galaxies

Posted on:2002-08-07Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of AlabamaCandidate:Domingue, Donovan LouisFull Text:PDF
Mixed pairs give insight into the nature of simple galaxy interactions which contain only a single gas-rich component. These mixed pairs challenge galaxy formation models which view environmental factors as the sole predictor of pair morphology, they offer the best opportunity to view cross-fueling of the early-type galaxy, and they present a useful method to relate dust mass to extinction within paired spirals. The multi-wavelength approach applied here reveals both stellar and interstellar markers of the interaction process. The use of Halpha and Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) data reveals: (1) that opacity and infrared emission estimates of spiral dust mass in overlapping pairs agree within a factor of two, (2) the relative IR emission contribution from the S0 galaxies of mixed pairs is often significant, (3) the star formation rate of paired spirals is approximately twice the rate of isolated spirals, and (4) the morphology of infrared emission in pair members is in good agreement with the Halpha distribution.
Keywords/Search Tags:Infrared, Emission, Mixed, Morphology, Pairs
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