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A study on a novel five axis machine tool using direct drive

Posted on:2003-05-16Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, DavisCandidate:Fitsos, PeteFull Text:PDF
This research combines a novel 3-axis machine tool with a 2-axis table to create a 5-axis machine that improves on the speed and versatility of the classic orthogonal machine tool design by rotating the spindle as much as 90 degrees from the horizontal. All motion, including rotation, was achieved through the use of direct drive linear motors. A pneumatic actuator system was developed to act as a ballast and offset gravity so that the linear motors could be mounted for use vertically.; The design of this machine was done through the creation of virtual prototypes to model and simulate a wide range of machine characteristics. Computer Aided Design was used to design the mechanical components, model deformation and do modal analysis. An error budget model was used to relate manufacturing tolerances to the mechanical positioning accuracy of the machine. An integrated model was used to create a virtual prototype of the machine that included the mechanical system, actuators and controls. This integrated model was created both as an approximate lumped model and as distributed model using ADAMS view software.
Keywords/Search Tags:Machine, Model
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