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Evaluating a new handsheet forming model based on deposition and smoothing

Posted on:2003-11-22Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of WashingtonCandidate:Amundson, Charles ArthurFull Text:PDF
A new model of paper handsheet forming is presented and evaluated. The new model is based on the deposition of both spherical flocs and rectangular fibers. The model also incorporates a “smoothing” effect to round the artificially sharp edges of the idealized deposition structures. The smoothing is achieved via a finite difference implementation of a diffusion type effect. The model is used to generate simulated handsheets, which are then compared with real handsheets via established and new characterization techniques. The model sheets accurately simulate the real sheets over a wide range of length scales. The model provides a new framework for quantifying the floc distribution and a new interpretation of the hydrodynamic smoothing effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Handsheet forming, Smoothing, New model, Deposition
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