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Two problems involving the notion of phase transition

Posted on:2003-02-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New BrunswickCandidate:Galvin, David JamesFull Text:PDF
The first problem we consider is from statistical physics. Write I=IS for the set of independent sets of the graph S . For S finite and l > 0, the hard-core measure with activity l on I is given by mI=l I/Z ∀I∈I, where Z = l I:I∈I is the appropriate normalizing constant. We say that this measure is hc( l ).; For infinite S a measure m on I is hc( l ) if for I chosen from I according to m and for all finite WV = V(G), the conditional distribution of I W given I ∩ (V{bsol}W) is ( m -a.s.) hc( l ) on the independent sets of {lcub}wW : w I ∩ (V{bsol}W){rcub}. There is always at least one such measure. If there is more than one, the model is said to have a phase transition.; Dobrushin [9] (and later, independently, Louth [21]) showed that there is a phase transition in the hard-core model on (the usual nearest neighbor graph on) Zd for sufficiently large values of l (depending on d). In other words, they showed that ld : =sup thehard-c oremodelwitha ctivitylon l: Zd doesnothave aphasetransition <∞. ; Up to now, all known bounds for l (d) increased rapidly with d. However, it has been widely conjectured that l (d) → 0 as d . This is what we prove.; The second problem we consider comes from discrete probability. It was introduced by Benjamini, Häggström and Mossel [2] (and, in a different context, by Athanasiadis [1]).; Write F for the set of homomorphisms from the d-dimensional Hamming cube {lcub}0,1{rcub}d to (the Hamming graph on) Z which send 0&barbelow; (the all-zero string) to 0 and F≤5 for those which take on five or fewer values. (A homomorphism between graphs is an adjacency preserving map between vertex sets.) We show that F...
Keywords/Search Tags:Hspsp, Phase
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