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The effects of proton radiation on the structure of diamond films

Posted on:2003-08-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Vanderbilt UniversityCandidate:Newton, Robert LeeFull Text:PDF
Diamond possesses many of the sought after material properties desired in present day applications and is also quite radiation resistant. These characteristics make it an ideal candidate for insertion into MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) technologies, particularly for space-based applications. Most prior radiation studies investigated single crystal, bulk diamond specimens, not polycrystalline thin films.; This investigation examined the microstructural effects of irradiating polycrystalline diamond films with various proton dosages (1015–10 17 H+/cm2). Scanning Electron Microscopy, μ-Raman Spectroscopy, and μ-X-ray Diffraction techniques were used to examine the effects as a function of depth. Strain values were calculated. Results indicate that the diamond lattice is retained, even at maximum irradiation levels. Polycrystalline silicon was also examined for comparative purposes.
Keywords/Search Tags:Diamond, Radiation, Effects
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