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Visualizing Riemann surfaces, Teichmuller spaces, and transformation groups on hyperbolic manifolds using real time interactive computer animator (RTICA) graphics

Posted on:1999-11-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignCandidate:McCreary, Paul RobertFull Text:PDF
arsia and Ruedy established the existence of conformal embeddings of all Riemann surfaces into ;We present graphic tools of independent interest to geometers. The real-time interactive computer animators (sc RTICA) which incorporate these tools and which produce animated illustrations are described. In particular, we have sc RTICA that illustrate a Bishop and Frenet frame integrator and that illustrate the fundamental polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space described by Jorgensen.;The production and presentation of sc RTICA are described as are the techniques for generating pic and Mathematica illustrations to be embedded into...
Keywords/Search Tags:RTICA
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