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Electronic correlations in Fermi and non-Fermi liquids

Posted on:1999-03-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Boston CollegeCandidate:Blagoev, Krastan BFull Text:PDF
We study two metallic systems in which the electronic correlations determine their physical properties. The first system is a three-dimensional, weak-ferromagnetic metal at zero temperature. We study the phase diagram of the quantum liquid and find a new type of low-temperature superconducting state in the neighborhood of the ferromagnetic phase transition. The second system is a one dimensional metal. For the first time the Luttinger theorem is proven for a Luttinger liquid. At the end we discuss the application of Compton scattering for mapping the Fermi surface of metals in different dimensions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electronic correlations
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