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Dynamical aspects of D-branes and Matrix theory

Posted on:1999-04-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Texas at AustinCandidate:Berenstein, David EliecerFull Text:PDF
Dynamical properties of Dirichlet membranes (D-branes) and the Matrix theory description of M-theory are studied. In particular, as D-branes are solitonic objects in string theory, the recoil problem and renormalization of the tension are studied with conformal field theory methods. For Matrix theory, supergravity interactions between the constituents of the matrix model are reproduced. Issues in the moduli space of compactifications are studied, and a description of this moduli space is found. This construction agrees with the supergravity moduli space for compactifications on tori of small dimension. Matrix theory is also analyzed for the case of ALE spaces. It is argued that the full supergravity degrees of freedom are present. Wrapped membranes are shown to exist in this construction, and to have the right properties to be interpreted in this manner.
Keywords/Search Tags:Matrix theory, D-branes
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