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Quantum weak turbulence with applications to semiconductor lasers

Posted on:1999-01-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ArizonaCandidate:Lvov, Yuri VictorovichFull Text:PDF
Based on a model Hamiltonian appropriate for the description of fermionic systems such as semiconductor lasers, we describe a natural asymptotic closure of the BBGKY hierarchy in complete analogy with that derived for classical weak turbulence. The main features of the interaction Hamiltonian are the inclusion of full Fermi statistics containing Pauli blocking and a simple, phenomenological, uniformly weak two particle interaction potential equivalent to the static screening approximation. The resulting asymytotic closure and quantum kinetic Boltzmann equation are derived in a self consistent manner without resorting to a priori statistical hypotheses or cumulant discard assumptions.;We find a new class of solutions to the quantum kinetic equation which are analogous to the Kolmogorov spectra of hydrodynamics and classical weak turbulence. They involve finite fluxes of particles and energy across momentum space and are particularly relevant for describing the behavior of systems containing sources and sinks. We explore these solutions by using differential approximation to collision integral.;We make a prima facie case that these finite flux solutions can be important in the context of semiconductor lasers. We show that semiconductor laser output efficiency can be improved by exciting these finite flux solutions. Numerical simulations of the semiconductor Maxwell Bloch equations support the claim.
Keywords/Search Tags:Semiconductor, Weak turbulence, Quantum, Solutions
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