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The large scale geometry of nilpotent-by-cyclic groups

Posted on:2003-12-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of ChicagoCandidate:Ahlin, Ashley ReiterFull Text:PDF
A nonpolycyclic nilpotent-by-cyclic group G can be expressed as the HNN extension of a finitely-generated nilpotent group N. The first main result is that quasi-isometric nilpotent-by-cyclic groups are HNN extensions of quasi-isometric nilpotent groups. The nonsurjective injection defining such an extension induces an injective endomorphism f of the Lie algebra g associated to the Lie group in which N is a lattice. A normal form for automorphisms of nilpotent Lie algebras—permuted absolute Jordan form—is defined and conjectured to be a quasi-isometry invariant. We show that if f,q are endomorphisms of lattices in a fixed Carnot group G, and if the induced automorphisms of g have the same permuted absolute Jordan form, then Gf,Gq are quasi-isometric. Two quasi-isometry invariants are also found: (1) The set of “divergence rates” of vertical flow lines, Df ; (2) The “growth spaces” gn⊂g . These do not establish that permuted absolute Jordan form is a quasi-isometry invariant, although they are major steps toward that conjecture.; Furthermore, the quasi-isometric rigidity of finitely-presented nilpotent-by-cyclic groups is proven: any finitely-presented group quasi-isometric to a nonpolycyclic nilpotent-by-cyclic group is (virtually-nilpotent)-by-cyclic.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nilpotent-by-cyclic, Permutedabsolutejordanform, Quasi-isometric
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