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Topics in quantum chaos

Posted on:2003-05-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of California, Santa BarbaraCandidate:Jordan, Andrew NobleFull Text:PDF
In this dissertation, we study the quantum mechanics of classically chaotic dynamical systems. We begin by considering the decoherence effects a quantum chaotic system has on a simple quantum few state system. Typical time evolution of a quantum system whose classical limit is chaotic generates structures in phase space whose size is much smaller than Planck's constant. A naive application of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle indicates that these structures are not physically relevant. However, if we take the quantum chaotic system in question to be an environment which interacts with a simple two state quantum system (qubit), we show that these small phase-space structures cause the qubit to generically lose quantum coherence if and only if the environment has many degrees of freedom, such as a dilute gas. This implies that many-body environments may be crucial for the phenomenon of quantum decoherence.; Next, we turn to an analysis of statistical properties of time correlation functions and matrix elements of quantum chaotic systems. A semiclassical evaluation of matrix elements of an operator indicates that the dominant contribution will be related to a classical time correlation function over the energy surface. For a highly chaotic class of dynamics, these correlation functions may be decomposed into sums of Ruelle resonances, which control exponential decay to the ergodic distribution. The theory is illustrated both numerically and theoretically on the Baker map. For this system, we are able to isolate individual Ruelle modes.; We further consider dynamical systems whose approach to ergodicity is given by a power law rather than an exponential in time. We propose a billiard with diffusive boundary conditions, whose classical solution may be calculated analytically. We go on to compare the exact solution with an approximation scheme, as well calculate asympotic corrections. Quantum spectral statistics are calculated assuming the validity of the Again, Altshuler and Andreev ansatz. We find singular behavior of the two point spectral correlator in the limit of small spacing.; Finally, we analyse the effect that slow decay to ergodicity has on the structure of the quantum propagator, as well as wavefunction localization. We introduce a statistical quantum description of systems that are composed of both an orderly region and a random region. By averaging over the random region only, we find that measures of localization in momentum space semiclassically diverge with the dimension of the Hilbert space. We illustrate this numerically with quantum maps and suggest various other systems where this behavior should be important.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum, System, Chaotic
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