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Research, development, and preliminary testing of interactive engagements for teaching quantum mechanics to undergraduate physics majors

Posted on:2003-04-06Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Kansas State UniversityCandidate:Axmann, Waldemar JayFull Text:PDF
The Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics project was conceived to provide computer-centered, activities-based instructional materials to upper-level undergraduate physics majors. This study implements one curriculum development cycle of research, development, and classroom testing for a single unit, The Shape and Behavior of the Wave Function, of these materials. It is designed to be a proof of concept pilot study for the project.; The cycle began with an extensive review of existing research drawing on results from the general fields of cognitive science and educational research as well as more specific research regarding the use of computers in instruction and the teaching and learning of quantum mechanics. It continued with the development of written materials, a computer program, and assessment instruments all extensively based on this research. It concluded with a field test garnering an outcome of positive student and instructor attitudes and perceptions of learning gains as well as actual gains similar or superior to traditional instruction—even in the face of usage that diverged widely from that intended.; Based on these results, we recommend the continuation of the Advanced Visual Quantum Mechanics project. This work would include further testing and revision of these materials, similar development and classroom testing of further materials, and new research within the context of that testing. Consideration should also be given to similar projects that address other physics subject areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quantum mechanics, Physics, Testing, Development, Project, Materials
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