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Relativistic heavy quark spectrum on anisotropic lattices

Posted on:2004-11-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Columbia UniversityCandidate:Liao, XiaodongFull Text:PDF
We report a fully relativistic quenched calculation of the heavy quark spectrum, including both charmonium and bottomonium, using anisotropic lattice QCD. We demonstrate that a fully relativistic treatment of a heavy quark system is well-suited to address the large systematic errors in non-relativistic calculations. In addition, the anisotropic lattice formulation is a very efficient framework for calculations requiring high temporal resolutions.; A detailed excited charmonium spectrum is obtained, including both the exotic hybrids (with JPC = 1−+ , 0+−, 2+−) and orbitally excited mesons (with orbital angular momentum up to 3). Using three different lattice spacings (0.197, 0.131, and 0.092 fm), we perform a continuum extrapolation of the spectrum. The lowest lying exotic hybrid 1−+ lies at 4.428(41) GeV, slightly above the D**D (S + P wave) threshold of 4.287 GeV. Another two exotic hybrids 0+− and 2 +− are determined to be 4.70(17) GeV and 4.895(88) GeV, respectively. Our finite volume analysis confirms that our lattices are large enough to accommodate all the excited states reported here.; We did the first relativistic calculation of the quenched bottomonium spectrum from anisotropic lattices. Using a very fine discretization in the temporal direction we were able to go beyond the non-relativistic approximation and perform a continuum extrapolation of our results from five different lattice spacings (0.04–0.17 fm) and two anisotropies (4 and 5). We investigate several systematic errors within the quenched approximation and compare our results with those from non-relativistic simulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Relativistic, Heavy quark, Spectrum, Lattice, Anisotropic, Quenched
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