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Phase space manipulation in high-brightness electron beams

Posted on:2012-01-10Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northern Illinois UniversityCandidate:Rihaoui, Marwan MFull Text:PDF
Electron beams have a wide range of applications, including discovery science, medicine, and industry. Electron beams can also be used to power next-generation, high-gradient electron accelerators. The performances of some of these applications could be greatly enhanced by precisely tailoring the phase space distribution of the electron beam.;The goal of this dissertation is to explore some of these phase space manipulations. We especially focus on transformations capable of tailoring the beam current distribution. Specifically, we investigate a beamline exchanging phase space coordinates between the horizontal and longitudinal degrees of freedom. The key components necessary for this beamline were constructed and tested. The preliminary beamline was used as a singleshot phase space diagnostics and to produce a train of picoseconds electron bunches. We also investigate the use of multiple electron beams to control the transverse focusing. Our numerical and analytical studies are supplemented with experiments performed at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator.
Keywords/Search Tags:Electron, Phase space, Beams
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