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Degenerate principal series for exceptional p-adic groups

Posted on:2003-06-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of MichiganCandidate:Choi, Seung-IlFull Text:PDF
This is a report on normalized inductions from characters of maximal parabolic subgroups of exceptional p-adic groups. Matrix realization can be used to get the results for a group of type G2 (7 by 7 matrices) and a group of type F4 (26 by 26 matrices). However, using the description of the maximal split torus in terms of coroots, we can do the same computation without a matrix realization.; The two main methods in my work are Jacquet module techniques and Hecke algebra isomorphisms. The Jacquet module technique leads to a reducibility criterion, which is applied to the regular cases. For the nonregular cases, the Hecke algebra isomorphism provides a way of reducing reducibility questions to the classical groups.
Keywords/Search Tags:Exceptional p-adic, Matrix realization, Hecke algebra
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