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Global Identity Development through Interconnectedness: A Transpersonal Inquiry

Posted on:2017-04-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Struhar, Colleen LFull Text:PDF
Humanity is faced with a number of global crises (terrorism, global warming, systemic poverty, etc.). There is an identified need for individuals with a developed global identity that supports global leadership. Interconnectedness is a construct in both transpersonal psychology and global identity development theory. This dissertation is a qualitative inquiry into the intersections between cross-cultural transpersonal experiences of interconnectedness and how those experiences intersect with global identity development. The findings imply that consciousness development is a more integral and useful construct than global identity, and that cosmic identity leads to action and processes based in holism and empathetic human consideration. The study identified a need in the field of international psychology for consideration of the reality of holism in the consciousness of practitioners and research practices.
Keywords/Search Tags:Global, Interconnectedness, Transpersonal
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