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Assessing and Exploring Strategic Crisis Management Planning in Michigan Small Businesses

Posted on:2013-02-09Degree:D.B.AType:Dissertation
University:Lawrence Technological UniversityCandidate:Burns, Kenneth FFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390008985678Subject:Business Administration
Natural disasters, environmental accidents, technology mishaps, and man-made crises historically demonstrate that disruptive incidents can happen. When they occur, the challenge goes beyond most emergency response plans previously deployed by automotive suppliers and their supply chain partners.;This research project is an analytical review of the types of potential crises automotive suppliers face, and the types of, rationales for, and effectiveness of the crisis management strategies they employ to respond to these crises in ways that enable them to continue operations and ensure long-term viability. The purpose of the research was to document the types of risks and crises suppliers encounter in the automobile industry; determine if crisis management plans are in place to deal with these crises in ways that enable these firms to maintain their business operations; assess the viability of these plans; and make recommendations for improving crisis management planning among suppliers in the automotive industry.;A mixed methods research design incorporating both quantitative and qualitative approaches was used in this study. The participants completed an original survey by the researcher and participated in one-on-one interviews regarding crisis management.;This research identified types of crises (natural, man-made, or either natural or man-made) that historically have disrupted business operations. In addition, the study also examined crisis management planning, reasons that some Tier 2 automotive suppliers did not have crisis management plans, and effectiveness of crisis management plans for organizations with crisis management plans.
Keywords/Search Tags:Crisis management, Automotive suppliers, Crises
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