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Leadership of the artist

Posted on:2013-01-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Gonzaga UniversityCandidate:Marie, Susan DFull Text:PDF
The Soul...never thinks without a picture. --Aristotle 384-322 BCE;The subject of this study was the leadership of the artist. The overarching question for my research here was what is the leadership of the artist? This in turn gave rise to and capacity for three clarifying in depth questions for research, (a) What is the artist's artistic process? (5) In what way did the artist see his or her work [art]? (c) In what way has the artist's work [art] influenced the world?;The context of the research here included an explorative lens on the leadership of the artist and how the artist influenced others with and through his or her art work. This exploration included the intent to discover how leadership exists within the context of the artist's life and artistic expression(s). This study gave capacity to expand the understanding of the leadership used by artists and the artist's influence through and with the artist's work [art].;Chapter I introduced this study with the context and impetus for the research findings. The social significance also was outlined, giving rise to the possible impact and change for sustainable and ethical leadership study and praxis to art's programs and funding impact to academic curriculum changes at various levels. The six artist participants for this study were introduced, along with the reason they were chosen for this research. The participants were Chantal Chamandy, Dale Chihuly, Guy Ritchie, Leonardo da Vinci, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Morihei Ueshiba.;Chapter II explained the conceptual framework for the research here. It examined the way of the artist with particular lenses on art as revelation, artistic perception, and art as influence. Leadership as influence was examined as well. The intersection of leadership, influence, and art, shed light on the leadership of the artist. An interview with Eckart Preu, a professional with expertise in the field, explored thought into leadership and orchestrating for greatness.;Chapter III explained the choice of the hermeneutic methodology used here to discern and reveal the findings of this research. This chapter also includes a graphic of the Hermeneutic circle as it relates specifically to this study. Ethical considerations for this study are also addressed, including my lens bracketed.;Chapter IV presented the findings for each of the six artist participants in this study. The findings were broken down into pre-understanding of the artist, the artist's life, the artist's work, and understanding for meaning of the artist's leadership.;Chapter V gives capacity for substance within the significance of the findings for this study. This capacity is relevant to the artists' leadership within the scope of the overarching question and three clarifying questions for the research here. The components that stood out for the artists' leadership, influence, and art are resilience, paying attention, and action as these components bring substance to the guidance from the inner voice [artistic muse, spiritual muse, gut sense, or Divine]. Thought for both implications of this study and further research are explored in this chapter.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Artist, Chapter
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