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Experiences of associates working for a California nonprofit developmental services agency after funding cuts: A qualitative case study

Posted on:2013-03-15Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Hancock, Carrie LouiseFull Text:PDF
At the time of this study the State of California was in financial crisis. Budget cuts had resulted in rate cuts and freezes that had greatly threatened the financial stability of California's developmental service providers. Funding cuts inevitably not only affected people with developmental disabilities, but also their families, the community, and the people who chose to provide services within the field of developmental services. In the midst of this budgetary phenomenon existed the opportunity to explore the experiences of the people who worked within agencies enduring these unprecidented budget cuts. This study was conducted in order to gain knowledge about the emotional and psychological impact of cost cuts and funding cuts during these dire financial times. This research study utilized a qualitative case study approach to document the impact on associates of a specific developmental services agency when cost-cutting measures were implemented as a result of funding cuts. This study successfully documented the rich and detailed experiences, feelings, and perspectives of fourteen associates of a California nonprofit developmental services agency, after funding cuts and cost-cutting measures had been implemented. The data in this study revealed nine cross-case universal themes. This study's data also revealed that cost-cutting measures have had a significant impact on associates of Agency X. Both anticipated and unanticipated perspectives were expressed by participants. Finally, as is often the goal of qualitative research, there were many potential avenues for future research uncovered based upon the experiences and perspectives of the participants in this study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cuts, Developmental services agency, Experiences, California, Associates, Qualitative
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