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Your money where your mouth is: The intersection of money and speech in American constitutional law

Posted on:2005-11-08Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Brandeis UniversityCandidate:Lichtman, Steven BFull Text:PDF
While much has been written about individual situations in which money and speech have intermingled (commercial speech, campaign finance, e.g.), there has not yet been a comprehensive attempt to link all of the various money-and-speech situations together into a thematic whole. This dissertation fills this void.; In examining the jurisprudence on money and speech (or lack thereof), this dissertation will shed further light on Supreme Court decisionmaking, both in terms of judicial preferences and jurisprudential craftsmanship. Major questions to be answered: What, if any, common themes are present in cases that have dealt with individual money-and-speech situations? How did these themes develop over time? What choices did the Supreme Court have to make over the years; what options were taken or disregarded, and why? What do these choices (what was done, how it was done, and why it was done) tell us about how the Supreme Court decides cases?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Money and speech, Supreme court
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