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Essays on the economics of health insurance

Posted on:2013-03-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Dague, LauraFull Text:PDF
his dissertation focuses on the economics of health insurance. In the first essay, I take advantage of discontinuities in the structure of Wisconsin's Medicaid program to identify the effects of cost-sharing on insurance status, utilization, and health outcomes for low-income families. I use a three year administrative panel of enrollment data and health insurance claims for the universe of enrollees to inform my estimates. I find that an increase in the premium from zero to ten dollars results in 1.4 fewer months enrolled and reduces the probability of a one year enrollment spell by 12 percentage points, but other discrete changes in premium amounts do not affect enrollment. Copayments for emergency department visits of...
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, Insurance
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