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The relationship between philosophical orientation and leadership

Posted on:2017-11-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Our Lady of the Lake UniversityCandidate:Ramon, AmaliaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390008475319Subject:Educational leadership
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the participants' self-rating of their operating philosophy and the leadership styles of their leader. Participants consisted of secondary teachers from a district in South Texas. Participants (N = 216) were asked to complete the Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire (POQ) (c) (Boyatzis, 2000), which examined the teachers' self-rating of their operating philosophy (pragmatic, humane, and intellectual), and to complete the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire that measured teachers' perceptions of principal's leadership style (transformational, transactional, and passive avoidant leadership) as well as leadership outcomes. The participants also completed a demographic survey for control variables of age, gender, ethnicity, education level, years of experience as an educator, and school/location. Teachers' ratings for humane operating philosophy had the highest numerical ratings was and statistically higher than pragmatic and intellectual operating philosophies. However, it was teachers' pragmatic operating philosophy that predicted their ratings of the principal's transformational, transactional, and passive avoidant leadership styles and leader effectiveness, teachers' satisfaction with the leader, and teachers' extra effort. Pragmatic Operating Philosophy supported all aspects of the Full Range Leadership Model. Humane operating philosophy was found to be a negative predictor of transactional leadership. School location accounted for the largest variance explained on each of the six regression models. (210 words).;Keywords: leadership styles, principals in secondary education, leadership, values, transformational leadership, transactional leadership and passive avoidant leadership, Philosophical Orientation Questionnaire (POQ) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire 5X-Rater (MLQ), humane operating philosophy, intellectual operating philosophy, pragmatic operating philosophy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Operating philosophy, Philosophical orientation, Questionnaire
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