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Integration of environmental and natural resources concepts into Puerto Rico's agricultural education curriculum

Posted on:2006-05-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Pennsylvania State UniversityCandidate:Santiago Andino, EdlyFull Text:PDF
Conservation of the environment has received a lot of attention because of the negative impact of human development and agricultural practices. This attention can be found especially in tropical places like Puerto Rico, where diverse and productive ecosystems exist. Many scholars believe that education can have a positive impact on agricultural practices.; This study sought to find current and prospective agricultural education teachers' locus of control, perceptions, knowledge, and needs regarding the integration of environmental and natural resources (ENR) concepts into the agricultural education curriculum. Moreover, the study also examined relationships between locus of control and selected demographic characteristics with teachers' perception regarding the integration of ENR. A quantitative research design was conducted to accomplish the purpose and objectives of the study. Two instruments were designed to collect data from current and prospective teachers.; The study found that current and prospective teachers agree with the integration of ENR concepts into the agricultural education curriculum. Both groups believed that environmental and natural resources concepts are needed because they have the capacity to improve environmental behavior and the attractiveness of the program. However, current and prospective agricultural education teachers indicated that the lack of curriculum materials and availability of resources were barriers to integrate ENR concepts into the curriculum.; Current and prospective agricultural education teachers also indicated that they have an average knowledge regarding ENR concepts. However, both groups were interested in upgrading their knowledge especially regarding bio-intensive agriculture. Moreover, most will be more likely to integrate ENR into their curriculum if they receive seminar and teaching materials taught in workshops. Current and prospective agricultural education teachers presented to have an internal locus of control. Therefore, they believe they can influence events in their lives. Furthermore, current and prospective teachers' locus of control and demographic characteristics had no relationship with their perceptions regarding the integration of ENR concepts.; These findings have implications for teachers, the university, and policymakers. Resources and professional development activities should be mobilized to undertake current and prospective teachers' needs in order to integrate ENR concepts into the agricultural education curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:Agricultural, Concepts into, Current and prospective, Environmental and natural resources, Integration
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