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The effect of linkages on science and technology at historically Black colleges and universities

Posted on:2006-06-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Georgia Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Brice, Kathryn TFull Text:PDF
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) face the 21 st century with questions about change and adaptation to an increasingly science and technology oriented society. They face the challenge of finding a strategy by which they can utilize current resources and energy to maximize their science and technology development. Using a mixed methods research design, this study conducted an analysis of science and technology at HBCUs. The primary objective was to determine what theories (when implemented they are termed strategies) account for the development of science and technology at successful research oriented HBCUs. This was accomplished through a secondary objective---to assess productivity outputs at HBCUs using various science and technology indices.; The results and findings can be summarized by stating that the selection of strategy is dependent on the maturity of the HBCUs science and technology program. An HBCU that is seeking to initiate a science and technology program should pursue a strategy of federal or state policy supportive of introductory efforts. HBCUs with established science and technology programs that are seeking growth strategies should look toward collaborations and partnerships for the purposes of forming networks and clusters. The formation of joint ventures, partnerships, and networks will further develop their science and technology programs. Leadership is a sustaining factor that enhances the effectiveness of both policy and linkages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Science and technology, Hbcus
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