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Finance executive leadership competency and stock value trends in the presence of increased regulation

Posted on:2006-02-03Degree:D.MType:Dissertation
University:University of PhoenixCandidate:Petroy, Anthony RichardFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390005993357Subject:Business Administration
Organizational leadership competency has well documented leadership behaviors that contribute to organizational success. Stock value trend is considered just one indication of organizational success. In response to recent unethical and misguided corporate behaviors in financial reporting, the Securities and Exchange Commission has responded with new regulatory requirements. During a period of increased regulation, this dissertation presents a quantitative study of organizational finance leaders to explore and define a possible relationship between organizational finance leadership competency and stock value trends. The research findings indicate that although there are common leadership behaviors, there is no statistically significant relationship that can be explained.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leadership, Stock value, Increased regulation, Business administration, Organizational, Finance
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