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Expanding perceptions of self and *other through study abroa

Posted on:2007-05-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Ohio State UniversityCandidate:Williams, Benjamin McKayFull Text:PDF
GTID:1459390005991422Subject:Educational administration
This dissertation explored the ways in which White, African American and Biracial American undergraduate and graduate students made meaning of race and other aspects of identity. Using a constructivist grounded methodology this study revealed a new way to conceptualize the processes by which students' perceptions of self and other were shaped through a course on the culture and society of Southern Africa and by studying abroad on a short-term program to that region: the dynamics of integrating lenses.;In the U.S. classroom, students moved from ignorance about the continent of Africa and the region of Southern Africa to an initial understanding. Through the combined course and study abroad program, the White undergraduate students' unexamined White privilege was surfaced and examined. At the same time, Black students' pride in being Black and their connection to their histories was deepened. Their assumptions about race and identification with Africa were also broadened. The result of the group cohesiveness and support was that White and Black students who had never had friends of the "other" race expanded their relationships to incorporate new people who they may never have interacted with otherwise.;Through personal stories students were exposed to new perspectives and experiences, first, in the U.S. classroom, later in Southern Africa, and also in the comfort and security of the group itself. Through personal relationships with the instructor, the tour guides and fellow students, participants became engaged. Through learning about Southern Africa: its history, the society, and its many cultures, students became invested in the stories and the people who told them. As a result, they felt compelled to confront the reality they were facing. Through reflecting on those experiences in the support of the group, students were able to grapple with the dissonance between their earlier assumptions, perceptions, and beliefs and the new experiences they were having. This led to a greater complexity of thinking around issues of race, community, and globalization, and an expansion of the lenses they used to perceive themselves and others.;The findings of this study inform the literature on study abroad, racial identity, and experiential learning and education. The Model of the Dynamics of Integrating Lenses is useful to researchers and practitioners who design and evaluate study abroad and other experiential learning programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students, Study abroad, Africa, Perceptions
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