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The development and effects of a sermon-based study group strategy as a part of the disciple-making process at Roopville Road Baptist Church

Posted on:2015-01-06Degree:D.MinType:Dissertation
University:Southeastern Baptist Theological SeminaryCandidate:Owensby, Andrew BFull Text:PDF
This Doctor of Ministry Project Report explains the author's attempt to research the benefits of a Sermon Based Small Group approach as apart of the larger disciple-making strategy at Roopville Road Baptist Church. Current statistical data regarding the poor application of Bible teaching and biblical illiteracy of Southern Baptist churches indicated the need for such a project. The findings from the study indicate the study group members who participated in a Sermon Based Small Group made progress in the areas of retention, application, and attitude after hearing a weekly sermon.;After completing extensive biblical, theological and historical research, the author developed a six-week preaching series through the book of Habakkuk. The sermons were preached in conjunction with a Sermon Based Small Group that met each week after the group members heard the sermon. The group revisited and clarified the material from the sermon. Another group was utilized in the study who did not participate in the Sermon Based Small Group but heard all of the sermons preached. The ministry project utilized pre-tests and post-tests to measure the project results. A pre-test was given to measure knowledge of the biblical text, attitude towards the text, and application of the text before the sermons and Sermon Based Small Group began. After the sermons and Sermon Based Small Groups finished the same test was administered to measure change.;Multiple indicators demonstrated the overall success of the project. Improvement was shown in the Sermon Based Small Group by the change measured in test scores. Additionally, the participants` comments, questions, and attitudes at the end of the project demonstrated improvement from the beginning. Overall, the research, teaching and conclusions of this project indicate that a Sermon Based Small Group approach as apart of the larger disciple-making strategy of a church can have positive results in to the glory of God.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sermon, Strategy, Disciple-making, Project, Baptist
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