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Analyzing patterns within academic and legal definitions: A qualitative content analysis of the term 'cyberbullying'

Posted on:2014-12-30Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of North TexasCandidate:Winn, Matthew RFull Text:PDF
Regardless of culture or nation, students today are experiencing bullying via technology. With the rise of technology, this abuse has the ability to become more far-reaching, and more pervasive than ever. These students face oppression, and in some cases severe imbalances of power. Current research is being conducted and laws created based on varying operational and conception definitions of the term "cyberbullying." This study aims to analyze and provide a coherent definition for the term "cyberbullying" as it is used in research and legislation, especially in the context of today's educational environments. The results help shed light on the large variances in the term and suggestions are made to clarify the definition as the field continues to move forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:Term
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